Triforce require a non-refundable $100 pre-order deposit, with the full price being $400.

However, getting your hands on the replica is a little bit more costly. In the game, you can find the weapon in a cave close to the UFO crash site just south of the Oberland Station settlement (ask Preston Garvey where that is, he has probably already told you).

The Alien Blaster is a unique weapon that can be found in the Fallout 4 wasteland, as well as some of the previous Fallout games. Yes, you did read that last one correctly. Triforce are the maker of officially licensed video game replicas and have worked on the Geth pulse rifle from Mass Effect 3, the beam pistol from XCOM 2, and a man squatting on a rock from Ghost Recon Wildlands. Triforce have announced that they are taking pre-orders for the Fallout 4 alien blaster.

And don’t worry about breaking the bank, it’s only $400… wait what.